
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Italian Cream Cake

There's a thrift store in our little town that holds a bake sale on the first full weekend of the month, run by the ladies from the local Mennonite church. They always have such good things--pies, cakes, and cookies, along with breads and even homemade freezer meals. One of our favorites was always an Italian Cream cake, but as with lots of other things in this economy, the bake sale items have just about priced themselves out of my comfort zone. So I decided to try my hand at baking one of these luscious goodies myself.

The recipes I found all called for egg yolks in the main batter, then beating the whites separately and folding in. Since "quick and easy" is my middle name in the kitchen, I am not much of a multi-step, multi-bowl baker. Recipes that call for beating the egg whites and folding them in seem scary and overly complicated, so I just kept on looking until I found that called for whole eggs just plopped in the batter like the regular cake recipes I am used to making.

Italian Cream Cake


  • 1 c buttermilk

  • 1 t baking soda

  • 1/2 c (1 stick) butter, softened

  • 1/2 c shortening

  • 2 c sugar

  • 5 eggs

  • 1 t vanilla

  • 1 t baking powder

  • 2 c all purpose flour

  • 1 c coconut

  • 1/2 c chopped nuts

  1. Dissolve baking soda in buttermilk and set aside

  2. Cream together butter, shortening, and sugar until light and fluffy

  3. Add vanilla and eggs--1 or 2 at a time, mixing well in between.

  4. Add buttermilk, flour, baking powder, and coconut, until combined

  5. Stir in nuts

  6. Pour into greased cake pan(s). I used two 8 or 9 inch rounds.

  7. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven, 30-35 minutes (if you use a tube pan, it will take longer) or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean

Allow to cool completely before frosting

Cream Cheese Frosting


  • 8 oz cream cheese, softened

  • 1/2 c butter, softened

  • 1 t vanilla

  • 4 c powdered sugar

  • 2-4 T cream or milk

  • 1/2 to 1 c coconut

  • 1/4 to 1/2 c chopped nuts

  1. Cream together cream cheese, butter, and vanilla

  2. Add powdered sugar and mix well, adding cream or milk as needed for desired consistency.

  3. You can add coconut and nuts into the frosting if like, or sprinkle on top like I did

I almost messed up by thinning my frosting just a bit too much--I usually make sheet cakes, that don't even come out of the pan, or tube cakes, where a softer frosting is better, to drip over the sides. This time, though, I wanted a nicer presentation in the form of a layer cake, and when I made a soft frosting, as usual, I had a little trouble trying to keep it from sliding off the sides. Next time I do a layer cake, I'll remember to make the frosting a little stiffer.

Since I was trying to make a pretty cake, as well as a delicious one, I wanted to use my pedestal cake platter. To keep the plate or platter clean while you're frosting the cake, put down a layer of strips or parchment or wax paper.

Then put the first layer on top of the paper strips. Make sure you have enough sticking out from under so that you can pull them out afterwards.

Frost the cake as usual, then sl-o-o-o-o-w-ly pull the paper strips out from under the edges.

I was so impressed with myself for making this cake--completely from scratch, and a layer cake, at that! Maybe I'll change my middle name from "quick and easy" to "made from scratch"!

Until next time, good cooking, and good eating!

This post is linked to:

What's on the Menu Wednesday at Dinning with Debbie
What's Cooking Wednesday at the King's Court IV
Delicious Dishes at It's a Blog Party
Recipe Swap Thursday at Prairie Story
Tasty Traditions at Coupon Cookin'
Try New Adventures Thursday at Alicia's Homemaking
Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum
Sweet Tooth Friday at Alli N Son
Friday Potluck at EKat's Kitchen
Sweet Indulgences Sunday at a Well Seasoned Life


  1. Thank you so much.I always think about how to make Italian cream cake and I am betting all the courage to do your cake.It looks so good..Thanks for sharing.I am your newest follower.I hope you can come over to my blog...following you from GFC.

  2. My Italian Cream Cake recipe uses beaten egg whites added separately to the batter. It is really easy to do and makes a delicious cake!

  3. What a delicious looking cake! Thanks for sharing how you did it.

  4. What a beautiful cake!

    I'd like to invite you to share your recipe on Sweet Tooth Friday, my weekly recipe link-up. I hope to see you there.

  5. This is lovely! What a beautiful post and with some awesome looking flavors. Congrats! Thanks for linking up with Friday Potluck.

  6. I adore Italian cream cake. Oh my goodness this one looks fab =]

  7. This looks so delicious! I've been wanting to try to make an Italian Cream Cake for a while but I was put off by beating the egg whites separately so I like this easy version. I would like to invite you to post your recipe on my linky party at A Well-Seasoned Life's Sweet Indulgences Sunday!

  8. Hi Charlene! I haven't been by in a while, so I wanted to come by and see what you're up to. This cake looks wonderful!

  9. Charlene, this is a masterpiece. Do me a favor, please and link this up to Bake with Bizzy, my other blog


  10. Thanks for linking it up and it is going to be featured tomorrow. I love it as you know, from my first comment.

    We are putting up a new Bizzy tomorrow. Feel free to bring another recipe.
