
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Green Fluff for St Patrick's Day

In honor of St Patrick's Day, I'm repeating this recipe for my favorite GREEN food,
Pistachio Salad, aka Green Fluff and/or Watergate Salad

Did you know that are just about as many different ways to make Pistachio fluff as there are folks who make it? I've had Pistachio Fluff on the brain ever since I had so many comments about it on my Pretty in Pink fruit salad post, so I decided to make that delectable dish known variably as "Pistachio Fluff", "Watergate Salad" and simply "that green stuff".

Back in the "olden days" of the 70's, different versions of this were all the rage. Some made it with cottage cheese, similar to the Pretty in Pink salad, some made it with miniature marshmallows, some topped theirs with chopped nuts; I've even seen it put in a pie crust. In my family, we made a very simple version, and that's the one I decided to re-create this week.

  • 1 can crushed pineapple, drained
  • 1 pkg Pistachio pudding mix
  • 1 container Cool Whip or other whipped topping

Pour the drained pineapple into a medium sized mixing bowl, top with dry Pistachio pudding mix

Mix the pineapple and pudding mix together until it turns this lovely(!) shade of green

Add cool whip and stir until well blended

When you finish, it should look something like this.

At this point, it will taste like a mouth full of SWEET and not much else. Refrigerate for at least a couple of hours. The mixture will "set" slightly and the flavors will develop until it tastes like a mouth full of sweet, refreshing goodness.

It doesn't make all that much compared to the pink one, that may be one reason why many add the cottage cheese and mini-marshmallows. I like the cottage cheese in the pink one, and may try it in this one, too, but it's good just the way it is, and would be super simple to double or even triple to take to a church dinner or family gathering.

I guarantee anyone old enough to remember the 70's will remember it, and anyone not old enough to remember it will like it anyway.

This post is linked to:
Luck of the Irish Party at It's a Blog Party
Ultimate Recipe Swap at Life As Mom
Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum

Until next time, good (un-)cooking, and good eating!


  1. Funny! We always called it fluff as well...and it is good:) I would love for you to join me for What's On the Menu Wednesday whenever you can.

  2. My Grandma loves some Watergate salad! Thanks for visiting. I checked out your post on the navy bean pie! I had never seen that before, and if I had not just consumed a large amount of black bean brownies I would think "eww!" But now I know beans can be good :) I'll have to try it soon. That post was funny, b/c it sounds just like my family "you'll neevvvver guess...." lol It must be a southern thing!

  3. My mother made this for bridge club. It's a spring fave at our house. XX00

  4. Oh, this is a family favorite! i love it. i tink I need to make some soon!

  5. This is a classic in our family - although we call it "Green Stuff" and I think my Mom makes it with Lime Jello instead of the Pistachio Pudding. My youngest brother, who is now 32, requires that Green Stuff be served at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter - at a minimum. I might have to try it with pudding one of these days.

  6. I can't wait to try your fluff version!

  7. Adding mini marshmallows really gives it an extra oomph. My hubby's fav dessert!

  8. I know, I would love this. Fluffy like that is my thing.

  9. Love this, great concept! Just found your amazing blog and am a new follower!
    - Jessica @
