
Friday, November 26, 2010

Fresh Express Salad Coupon Giveaway

(Giveaway is now closed!)

I know I promised another giveaway for last week, but I confess--I just did not take the time to get it all together! So I decided to simplify, simplify, simplify, and run it as it is!

It's been a busy, stressful week in a lot of ways not the least of which was the Thanksgiving holiday, where I ate my fair share of rich, delicious food. And this is only the beginning--Hanukkah, Christmas, and the New Year are upon us, where we have family gatherings and social occasions galore, each with food more delicious than the last. It's a real struggle to not just give in and wind up facing down January with an additional 10-20 pounds and a bad case of indigestion!

One of the things I'm trying to do this extended holiday season is to get back on track with my healthy eating as much as is possible during the everyday, in-between times.

Having a ready made, bagged salad is one thing that can make that easier during this busy time. I love the convenience of having everything already washed and cut and ready to go, and I especially like the variety available--instead of buying several different types of lettuce and vegetables, I can get it all together in one bag if that what's I want! I like to take the Italian blend with all of the darker greens, then add a little grated cheese, some sunflower seeds and dried cranberries, and if I'm eating it as a meal, a little protein on top--diced leftover chicken, or even a can of tuna--and of course my dressing of choice--anything creamy!

Fresh Express and the FoodBuzz program sent me a coupon for a free bag of Fresh Express salad, and not only that, they gave me 10 extra coupons to share! These coupons are good until January 31, 2010, so whether you want to try a Fresh Express salad now during the busy season, or save it for that sure-to-come New Year's resolution to eat more salad, this one will work for you!

To enter, just leave your name and email address in the form below, and tell me your favorite way to use bagged salad--do you you use it straight out of the bag, or as a foundation to build on? This giveaway will run until Thursday, December 2, 2010 at 6:00 p.m., when 10 winners will be chosen at random and notified via email.

The giveaway is now closed, the winners will be announced shortly!

(The opinion stated is that of my own.)


  1. Ericka T

    humanecats at gmail dot com

    I use it as a foundation.

  2. I add quite a bit to my bagged salad, such as cranberries, feta cheese and candied walnuts....we eat salad quite a bit because it's one of the few veggies my four year old eats!

    juliannajones @

  3. Hey, ladies, I apologize for not having the settings right on the giveaway form--I've corrected it so that it's accepting entries, and I've also entered both of your information in the form for you.

    Thanks so much for your interest in the giveaway!
