
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Vegetables, Smedgtables

Fish Mama at Life at Mom is hosting a recipe swap this week with a vegetable theme. I don't have any new ones to post right now, but I do want to do a re-cap post and highlight some vegetable recipes I've posted in the past.

First up is my version of pan-roasted asparagus , which is my easy method of choice. Sometimes to make a variation, I squeeze on a little lemon juice, or sprinkle it with grated Parmesan cheese right at the end.

Next up is Corn Casserole, favorite of children and adults alike. I like that I can make this for my family, or double up and make a big one to take to a church supper or family reunion.

Probably my very favorite home-grown vegetable is pink-eyed purple hull peas. My parents grow these in mass quanitites during the summer heat, then put them in the freezer where they become a year-round staple for our family.

Next up is the delicious Sweet Potato Casserole--the potato casserole you can eat for dessert. Usually a fall or winter vegetable, my family requests this year round, as well.

And last but not least, the real dessert--a pie made from navy beans.

Hope you enjoy these, and don't forget to visit the Ultimate Recipe Swap at Life As Mom.
Until next time, good cooking, and good eating!


  1. I had to open comment in a new tab to get it to open. I love a Southern Kitchen. It doesn't matter what recipe I make it turns out southern. I especially want to try the corn casserole. Doylene

  2. This could fill my week in for sides at dinner. Each one looks great. I love the corn and sweet potato the best.
