
Friday, April 9, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Welcome visitors from the Ultimate Blog Party 2010!

As a Girl Raised In The South, and a working-outside-the-home mom for most of my married life, "quickandeasy" was always the first part of any recipe that found a home in my recipe stash. And while I now have a bit more discretionary time, I still don't want to spend all day in the kitchen, so many of the recipes here still have those same quick and easy qualities.

My posts here range from Southern Staples like:

Buttermilk Biscuits


My very first "scratch" pie crust

Not-Your-Granny's Banana Pudding

Two kinds of Blackberry Pie

and of course that Southern beverage staple, Sweet Tea newer fare like:

Make-Your-Own Seasoned Snack Crackers

Stovetop Barbeque Chicken

Cranberry Relish

Make Your Own Roux the easy way--in the oven

Quick and Easy Chicken Alfredo Pizza

And one of my favorite holiday beverages, Egg-less Egg Nog

So pull up a chair and browse, I hope you find something you like!

Until next time, good cooking, and good eating!


  1. Hi Charlene! I love your sweet tea recipe! I've made it a 100 ways, but nice to see such a simple recipe, lol! Visiting from Blog Party! Nice to meet you and looking forward to seeing more of your recipes! Warmth!

  2. I am stopping by from the UBP and I love recipies. I am going to have try the blackberry pie with the jello..looks yummy and I have the blackberry bushes..
    Amy B.

  3. Stopping by from the UBP! Great to meet you! :D I love to be in the kitchen cooking and baking! :D

  4. Looking forward to getting some new recipes! G.R.I.T.S. rock! :D

  5. Mmmm your recipes look so yummy! I am new follower! Going to explore some more!

  6. I am stopping by from UBP! What a wonderful blog!! Great to meet a fellow Georgia Peach. I will definitely be trying out your recipes.

    Have a great weekend and Happy Ultimate Blog Party 2010!


  7. Great recipe links - thanks for sharing. I'm off to check some out :)

  8. Hi, Charlene! Wow, looks like you have quite a good collection of recipes. I am a fan of quick and easy recipes as well! I blog at Have a blessed day!

  9. Toot Tootin' my #UBP10 Party Horn on your blog!!!!!

    Hope you are meeting new bloggers and havin' a great time!

    I'm your 100th Newest fan on your blog! I already follow you on twitter and now on facebook!

    I have a guest chef feature on my blog! I'd love to have you sometime! LMK when you check out my blog!!

    Party on!!!

    @Susieqtpies at Scraps of Life

  10. Charlene, love all your recipes. I have lived in NC for 16 yrs. and still cannot make good Southern food. Thanks for sharing! Following from UBP!

  11. Just stopping by from UBP. Love your recipes! Have a great party. Visit my site and check out my giveaway. All I need is a comment

  12. Stopping by from the UBP! Wow, I am happy I found you, I am a foodie and can't get enough of good cooking.

    I live in the land of bland food (MN), I truly believe I was supposed to be a Southern girl :-)
    Can't wait to try some of your recipes, especially as I get my garden planted this spring!

  13. OH am I ever glad I found you!! Any blog to do with food has got to be a good blog!!! I am stopping by from the UBP 2010!!! I can't wait to see more recipes from you!! Have a great day!

  14. Just stopping in for the UBP...and I'm glad I did! I love your recipe for Sweet easy. I love sweet tea but never made it. Enjoy the rest of the party!

  15. Hi there! Just popping in from the UBP to be your newest Google Follower! Hooray! Hope you have a great weekend! Swing by my blog when you get a chance!

    Bridgette Groschen
    The Groschen Goblins

  16. Stopping by from UBP - and I'm so glad I found you! What great ideas for all of us who are busy but still like the family favorites. I'm now following you so I don't miss anything!

    Stop by if you get a minute and enter the Give-Away I've got going on for the Ultimate Blog Party!

  17. Following all your yumminess!

    Stopping by from the UBP! I hope you are having a great week.

    Pop on over if you get a chance, I'm having a $50 Amazon Gift Card giveaway. It ends April 16th.

  18. Hi, Nice to meet you. Stopping by from the UBP. Ya know, secrets from a northern kitchen doesn't work does it! You southerners have something on us yanks!
    Feel free to pop over to my blog, Parening in Blue Jenas. I have a giveaway going on (ends today) for a date night. Feel free to put your name in the hat.

  19. Oh I love southern living wouldnt have it any other way. I am so blessed to have found your blog today!

    You have been rhymed #ubp10

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.
