
Friday, February 5, 2010

Super Bowl Party Foods and Snacks

Anybody ever heard of a big ol' football game called the Super Bowl? I've vaguely heard of it, how about you? All this Louisiana gal can say about it is:


I have a confession to make--if the Saints weren't playing, I probably wouldn't even watch. I come from a family of sports fans, but I never really caught the bug, myself. Although I do have gleeful memories of the year my sister and I picked the World Series winning team--based on the color of their uniforms and the cuteness of the players. My brother almost died when our team won, too!

The best part of the Big Game, in my opinion, is the food. Any excuse for a party, right?

You can't have a party without chips and dip...

One of my new favorite quick and easy "un-recipes"...

Party Pinwheels

Gotta have some cocktail sausages...

Lit'l Smokies and cheese platter

Cocktail smokies in sauce

And if you want something yummy but just a bit more "solid", there's always...

Tamale Bake

Stuffed Bread

And one of my favorites (definitely a make-ahead) BBQ brisket sandwiches made from Slow-Cooked Oven Baked Brisket

What goodies are you cooking up this football weekend?

This post is linked to:

Foodie Friday
at Designs by Gollum
Recipe Swap at The Grocery Cart Challenge
Ultimate Recipe Swap at Life with Mom

Until next time, good cooking and good eating!


  1. Charlene! Now how bad is this? I just had lunch, and I'm starving again after this delish post! YUM!

    Happy Foodie Friday...


    Sheila :-)

  2. Charlene- I can't even think about dieting when I come to visit- that tamale casserole and the stuffed bread just about sent me into a food coma! They look so delicious. Now a salad and a cup of yogurt will never do for lunch. I want pigs in the blanket! Yummy!

  3. I could eat and eat and eat all these little yummers!


  4. I love the more solid recipes better because that stuffed bread and Mexican corn bread are just for me. I don't share.

    They look delicious and I am going to save these and I have a feeling, make them very soon. Thanks.

  5. Yum!I love chips and dip, and spicy buffalo wings too!I saw your site from the foodieblogroll and hope you could add this <a href=" widget here</a> so Foodista readers can find this delicious blog.Thanks!

  6. I'm not a big football fan, either. I usually just watch the Super Bowl for the commercials. Of course, if my hometown team was playing, I'd definitely watch!
