
Friday, February 26, 2010

My Quick and Easy Hamantaschen

I had hoped to get this post up a little earlier, but while I'm at home in Louisiana I'm on dial-up internet most of the time, so posts come much slower!

Sunday is Purim, the celebration of the deliverance of Israel from the hand of the enemy as told in the book of Esther. I thought I'd share this quick and easy version of hamentaschen, or Haman's hats, that I came up with a few years ago. (hiss, hiss, stomp, clap) (In order to obliviate the very name of Haman, who schemed to destroy God's people, when the story of Esther is read or told, the audience must hiss or stomp or use noisemakers anytime his name is mentioned--thus the "hiss, hiss, stomp, clap"!)

  • pie crust--for this I want a smooth, even crust, so I use my old faithful ready-made crusts
  • pie filling of your choice--I like cinnamon spice apple, or blueberry
  • powdered sugar to sift over the finished product
You need a pie filling with small "bits", so when I do this with apple filling, I use my pastry cutter to smash the pieces so that I have smaller pieces of fruit.

Use a biscuit cutter or the top of a glass to cut as many circles as you can get from your pie crust. You can take the bits that are left and re-roll and cut again, if you like.

Place a small amount of the filling on each circle--I used a heaping tablespoon, and almost overfilled some of mine.

Fold the sides up into the traditional three-cornered hat shape.

It's been a couple of years since I made these, and the first batch I did started coming apart at the corners when they started baking, so I really pinched the corners together on the next batch.

Bake at 400-450 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Remove from the baking sheet to a cooling tray. (This was the first batch--see how they started coming apart? Still tasted good, though!)

Dust with powdered sugar right before serving.

These are so good--I'm not usually a big fan of fruit pies, especially apple, but these just the right proportion of crust to filling--and big dollop of whipped cream on top doesn't hurt any, either! (I suspect they would be good with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, too, but they never seem to last long enough for me to get to try that.)

This post is linked to:

Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday at Blessed with Grace
Meatless Mondays at Sweet and Savory
Tasty Tuesday at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam

Until next time, good cooking, and good eating!


  1. They look very good! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  2. These look so sweet... what a great little dessert!

  3. These are truly lovely. Tomorrow, if you hop over to Our Krazy Kitchen, you will see a bunch of different hamantaschen.

    Thanks for sharing them at Sweet and Savory. I use Susie Fishbein's recipe which will also be posted with the photos.

  4. These look delicious - I love food with a story behind it - especially when it is nice and easy to make!

  5. These look great and apple are my favorite. Thank you for sharing the recipe.
