
Monday, December 7, 2009

Sausage Rounds

I don't have a name for this, so I just called it "Sausage Rounds". Truthfully, I usually just say "thosethingsImakeoutofsausageandcrescentrolls", but I didn't think that would work too well as a title.

This is another one I got from a former co-worker. That's one thing I do miss about working, I've worked with some great everyday cooks in my time, and most were generous about sharing their quick and easy recipes--after all, we were all in the same boat of needing to feed our families but not always having the time to make something elaborate.

These became holiday morning favorites at our house for awhile. I haven't made these in quite a while, but they were just as good as I remembered.

  • Smoked sausage
  • Crescent rolls

I was trying to stretch my sausage to make more than one recipe, so used only two of the crescent roll "squares" and one of the long links of sausage, but I've made these in quantity before, they're easy to get ready and take just minutes from cutting board to table.

Leave the crescent roll dough in rectangles, and wrap around a piece of sausage cut to length.

Slice each roll with a sharp knife, maybe 1/4-1/3 inch wide.

Lay on an ungreased cookie sheet--I wasn't making a lot, so I spread these out, but I've made baking sheets full of these at a time, and it doesn't hurt if they touch--you just may have to pull them apart a little.
Bake at 375 for 8-10 minutes or until they start to brown.

Bryan Foods furnished the smoked sausage for this recipe--I've received no other compensation for doing this review. The views stated here are those of my own.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the top of the page!


  1. WOW, those look awesome! Thanks for sharing. :-)

  2. These look yummy and simple! Thanks for sharing- they'd be a great appetizer!

  3. Great idea!! I have never seen this recipe. We love pigs in a blanket, but this is a new variation. Love it! Thanks for the recipe and linking to TMTT.

  4. These would be great to have available for breakfast. Thanks for the idea. I would love for you to come join me for Crock Pot Wednesday sometime. It's a great way to share and receive delicious ideas. Come check it out.
