
Thursday, October 29, 2009

What's For Breakfast?

This week there's a Breakfast Recipe Swap going on over at Life as Mom. My camera is down for the count right now until I get new batteries for it, so I'm recycling a couple of previous posts for the party.

First up is sweet and creamy (non-instant) oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar--cooked in the microwave, it's 4 minutes, tops, from pantry to table.

Number two on the list is the fresh Blackberry Freezer Jam I made this summer...

...and last but certainly not least Buttermilk Biscuits made from scratch.

Enjoy the recipes, and for even more, drop in at the recipe swap and follow the links!

Until next time, good cooking, and good eating!


  1. YUMMY!!! YUM!!! homemade biscuits and jam.

  2. Oatmeal never looked so good!


  3. MMMM, buttermilk biscuits. I love them with honey, but have never really had a batch turn out right. I guess I better keep trying.

    Thanks for picking me up on Twitter :) I forget that I need to tweet sometimes so I hope I dont disappoint. A friend and fellow blogger here in WA and I are working on a cooking blog together, and I hope you dont mind if we link back to some of your recipes. Your cooking methods are alot like ours..but your biscuits look way nicer and Im sure they taste much better :)

    Thanks again.

    Leah, Spokane WA

  4. You are more than welcome to link back to anything here!
