
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pistachio Fluff

Did you know that are just about as many different ways to make Pistachio fluff as there are folks who make it? I've had Pistachio Fluff on the brain ever since I had so many comments about it on my Pretty in Pink fruit salad post, so I decided to make that delectable dish known variably as "Pistachio Fluff", "Watergate Salad" and simply "that green stuff".

Back in the "olden days" of the 70's, different versions of this were all the rage. Some made it with cottage cheese, similar to the Pretty in Pink salad, some made it with miniature marshmallows, some topped theirs with chopped nuts; I've even seen it put in a pie crust. In my family, we made a very simple version, and that's the one I decided to re-create this week.

  • 1 can crushed pineapple, drained
  • 1 pkg Pistachio pudding mix
  • 1 container Cool Whip or other whipped topping

Pour the drained pineapple into a medium sized mixing bowl, top with dry Pistachio pudding mix

Mix the pineapple and pudding mix together until it turns this lovely(!) shade of green

Add cool whip and stir until well blended

When you finish, it should look something like this.

At this point, it will taste like a mouth full of SWEET and not much else. Refrigerate for at least a couple of hours. The mixture will "set" slightly and the flavors will develop until it tastes like a mouth full of sweet, refreshing goodness.

I had forgotten how good this is--I took some to my mom and dad, and we decided we need to revive this one from the annals of family food traditions.

It doesn't make all that much compared to the pink one, that may be one reason why many add the cottage cheese and mini-marshmallows. I like the cottage cheese in the pink one, and may try it in this one, too, but it's good just the way it is, and would super simple to double or even triple to take to a church dinner or family gathering.

I guarantee anyone old enough to remember the 70's will remember it, and anyone not old enough to remember it will like it anyway.

This post will be linked to:

Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum

Tasty Tuesday at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam

Tempt My Tummy Tuesday at Blessed with Grace

Until next time...Good cooking, and good eating!


  1. I haven't thought of this in years!! My mom used to make something very similar!! It was always so cool and refreshing!!

    Thanks for sharing and stirring up good memories!

    Many blessings!

  2. I haven't seen this in years. Now, as well as then, it looks sweet and luscious. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  3. I haven't made this i awhile. THANKS!!! Geri

  4. This is a favorite for me. I've been known to enjoy a serving or two....The added pineapple pairs perfect with the pistachio pudding.
    Hmmm,looks like I'll be craving this now.
    Good thing I've got all the makings.

    Sweet wishes,

  5. I've heard it called many names but I make it just like you too. I've also seen it with sliced bananas. Have a great weekend! :)

  6. I posted a similar recipe a few months ago, except mine includes marshmallows. We have this every year around the holidays. My mom refers to it as congealed salad, but I call it the green stuff.

  7. I wish I could eat that right now!! Happy TMTT.

  8. My Mom makes it with marshmallows. I don't care for pistachio pudding though.

    We've made a similar version with marshmallows, cool whip, french vanilla pudding and mandarin oranges and it is yummy!

  9. I've not seen this before. I want to try.

    I will add to my list.

    Blessings to you.

  10. Wow...3 posts with Jell-o...seems it was a lot of people's family tradition. :) I have never seen this, but it looks fun! :)

  11. I've heard of the green fluffy stuff and seen it at pot lucks at church before. My husband's family has purple Jell-O stuff that we love. I'm probably going to end up making it this week some time. :)

  12. Thanks for reminding me about Watergate salad! I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it :) I like that your recipe doesn't include nuts, like many I've seen. I leave them out anyway; they seem to get in the way of all that sweet goodness!

  13. My dad always makes this for me at Christmas! It is so light and fluffy with a wonderful zest. I love this salad.

  14. This just looks great and I am sure tastes great. Such a pretty green.
