
Monday, June 22, 2009

Blackberry Bounty 2--Chilled Blackberry Pie

As I mentioned in my last post, my honey brought home lots and lots of handpicked blackberries. The first pie that I made turned out really well, but I wanted to try something different for the second one. This recipe is similar to a fresh strawberry pie that I make occasionally, although not often enough!

  • 3/4 c sugar
  • 3 T cornstarch
  • 1 1/2 c water
  • 1 pkg blackberry jello (not pictured)
  • 3 c blackberries
  • 1 single crust pie crust

As in the previous post, I used my favorite pie crust recipe--refrigerated ready crust (!). Place crust in pie plate, and prick with fork--this keeps the crust from puffing up where it isn't suppose to.

Bake at 400 degrees until lightly browned. Not quite this brown.

While the crust is cooling, mix together sugar, cornstarch, and water. Cook on medium high heat until translucent to clear. Add jello, stir until dissolved. I couldn't find blackberry jello, so I used blackberry/raspberry fusion.

Allow the cooked mixture to cool slightly but not set, stir in blackberries, then pour into baked pie crust.

Refrigerate and allow to set for at least 30 minutes. As you can see, this one held together very well! Top with whipped topping and enjoy!

I didn't like this pie quite as well the first one--part of it may have been the jello--I'm not a big fan of raspberry flavored anything, so I thought the gel filling had a whang that wasn't to my personal liking. I also thought it was bit stiff or sticky--I should have remembered that when I make my strawberry pie, I don't use a whole box of strawberry jello as most recipes call for, I use only about 2 or 3 tablespoons. My husband thought it was a bit "seedier" than the other one, which is to be expected since the berries aren't actually cooked in this one.

Verdict: I would make this again if I could find blackberry or even blueberry jello, I just don't like the raspberry, even mixed with other flavors, and I would add only about 3 T of the jello powder, not the whole box.

This post is shared at:

Tempt My Tummy Tuesday at Blessed with Grace

Tasty Tuesday at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam

Foodie Friday at Desgins by Gollum

Recipe Swap at the Grocery Cart Challenge

Click over and fined links to other recipes, and see what's cooking around the blogosphere.

Stay tuned for the easy blackberry jam I made!

Until next time, good cooking and good eating!


  1. That looks like a yummy yummy summertime pie. I might give it a try.

  2. You are on an amazing role with all those blackberries. :)

  3. I imagine that pie is so refreshing on a hot day. YUM!

  4. Wow, you've had fun with the blackberries. He must've brought home quite a few of them.

  5. Sorry the pie wasn't up to your expectations but your honesty is appreciated. I, too, have found that "jello" can overwhelm the other ingredients in a dessert. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  6. I use the same recipe for pie crust that you use! lol

    I love blackberries so much, I would just fill that pretty crust with the berries and be done with it!

  7. My daughter just made 4 pie crusts for the freezer today. Now I just need to find some blackberries - this looks incredibly YUM!

  8. I love blackberries!! They used to grow wild by our home when I was a little girl, and we would pick buckets full. Wish I had that same access now! Will have to try your recipe soon -

  9. Beautiful pie!!! looks and sounds utterly delish!

  10. I made a recipe similar to this and only put in 3 1/2 tsp. of the jello because with the cornstarch a box of jello is too much. I used 4 cups of blackberries and only 1 cup of water.

  11. I'll try those proportions next time--thanks for the hint!
