
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Stuffed Bread, Live and In Color

Taco Stuffed Bread

This is a repeat of a recipe I posted, without pictures, in January. My family still thinks I'm a little bit "not right" for taking pictures of food as I cook it, not to mention toiletries and groceries I buy (on A Virtuous Woman). There's just something about a post with pictures, though! Unfortunately, as my timer was beeping to check this, my sweet husband checked the oven, removed the bread, sliced it up, and even served our plates before I thought to tell him to hold off for a final picture! So, you will have to imagine this artfully arranged on a dinner plate.


  • pizza dough (homemade would be great, but refrigerated works just fine, too!)
  • 1 lb ground meat
  • 1 can whole kernel corn
  • 1 envelope taco seasoning
  • grated and/or sliced cheese

Cook and drain ground meat. Add corn and taco seasoning, and enough water, if needed, to mix thoroughly.

Bring to a bubble, cover, and simmer for a few minutes to allow the seasonings to blend well with the meat and corn. Remove the cover and allow most of the liquid to cook away.

Open the pizza dough and spread flat, stretching the dough as much as you can without tearing it. Put meat mixture down the middle and cover with cheese. (This shows grated cheddar--I've used every kind of cheese you can imagine, including sliced American)

Bring the dough together on top, pinching or folding to close the edges. (Sorry for the poor quality of this picture) You may have to slightly stretch the dough to do this. Spray lightly with cooking spray or brush lightly with oil to keep the dough moist and give it a bit of a shine. Bake at 350 degrees F for about 15-20 minutes or until lightly browned on top. Let cool slightly, slice and enjoy!


You can make this with Italian/spaghetti seasoning and mozzarella cheese, but our favorite is still the taco filling.

I hope your family likes this as much as mine does!

I listed this recipe at the recipe swap at the Grocery Cart Challenge.
Good cooking, and good eating!


  1. I plan on trying this I have never had it before but looks like something that would please my family

  2. That definitely looks easier! Thanks for sharing it :)


  3. I think 350 degrees is too low. When I bake homemade pizza I bake at 400 degrees. I also use a bake stone (from Pampered Chef that I have had for eons).

    Try it that way and repost. Or maybe I will try before you! LOL

  4. When I do pizza, I usually do bake everything at a higher temp, but because this is kind of thick, I'd be afraid the crust would brown too fast. Probably not an issue since the filling is usually already hot to begin with, but if you made it up ahead of time, I think the lower temp would work better due to the density of the filling.
