
Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's Party Time!

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

It's almost time
the Ultimate Blog Party 2009
hosted by
5 Minutes for Moms
March 20-27th, 2009

Stop by the main party page and follow links to find some new and of course fabulous blogs for and by women for your browsing pleasure.

In honor of the Ultimate Blog Party 2009, hosted by 5 Minutes for Moms, I'm offering a variety of party foods for your selection.

For your liquid refreshment, we have sweet tea, unsweetened tea, and eggless eggnog. Anything stronger will be strictly BYOB, but you have to give us your keys first.

We have a variety of dips and spreads including two different cream cheese and crabmeat spreads here and here, as well as classic spinach dip. These are all delicious with our homemade seasoned snack crackers. For you corn chip lovers, we have the best queso dip.

Moving right along, we have the ever-popular cocktail wieners in secret sauce, and meatballs with a surprise inside.

For your sweet tooth, we have a cookie platter with chocolate chip, peanut butter, and snowdrop cookies. Also on our dessert table is my world-famous poppy seed cake, as well as crustless baked cheesecake.

I hope you have a good time at the party; please come back and visit us anytime, as well as my regular blog, A Virtuous Woman.

Added Friday, March 27th:
I've had such a good time this week blog hopping, "meeting" so many nice ladies and finding lots of new blogs, some of which I'll be sharing in the coming days and weeks.

Meanwhile, I finally went back and looked at the list of prizes, and while I'd be glad to win anything, whether for me or something I could gift to someone else, these are my top picks:

#58--the top pick for several of the blogs I've visited--a Kitchen Aid Artisan Mixer, provided by Moms Who Think

#68 – $30 gift certificate to Christian Book Distributors, provided by A High And Noble Calling

#88 –$40 gift certificate to Carrabba’s Italian Grill, provided by The Divine Miss Mommy

And any of 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 51, 95, 111, 113, 121,or INTL 1,INTL3, INTL5, INTL23, INTL33, INTL35, INTL36, INTL65

Here's to good cooking, and good eating!


  1. Visiting via UBP on Twitter! :)

  2. It all sounds delicious ;-) have a great week partying.

  3. Thanks for the great recipes, I've already added some to my bookmarks. I especially like the eggless egg nog. I've never liked egg nog, but I am totally willing to try it eggless!

    Thanks for the great post, I enjoyed my visit!

  4. Love your blog! Will keep coming back for fun and food! Great party!

  5. Just stopping by to say hi! I'm enjoying the party! :)
    God bless,

  6. Oh, you're making me hungry!!!

  7. Yum! I love finding new recipes! I will be sure to be back at your blog often. Thanks for hosting a party!

  8. Hello! Good to meet you. I love cooking and recipes, although I'm not physically capable of following them... LOL I always have to make them my own :)

  9. Hello, nice to meet you! I can always use tips in the kitchen (my husband would appreciate it). I'll be looking around more and coming back!

  10. Unsweetened tea for me thank you! Party on from an old hippie lady!

  11. I love that you're offering some food choices at your party! I didn't even think of that. Of course, my blog isn't as focused on food as yours seems to be, but still! You're an awesome hostess. ^_^

  12. I like the sound of the classic spinach dip recipe. Cool site.

  13. Hi Charlene,

    I am stopping by from The Ultimate Blog Party to check your blog out. What a great week we are in for!

    Check out my place for your chance to win a LeapFrog Tag Reading System. :)

    The Divine Miss Mommy

  14. Okay, I'm hungry now.

  15. I linked over to join the party. Think I'll try the snowball recipe. I've had them before and they are great with a cup of coffee or tea. I need more secrets, so will scout out some more on your site. Nice to meet you.

  16. your recipes look great :) I'll be back to check out more!

  17. Great Recipes, thanks for sharing! You've been added to my FOLLOWING List.

    Your #14 visited - I am posting a list of Blogs I Visited for UBP 2009 - have a look ...

    I'm excited to announce the very First
    Prize Giveaway* by

    The Giveaway is in honor of the

    Come on over for a visit ... LUV Needed! =)

    *This Giveaway is exclusively for UBP 2009 Participants who, comment on my blog! Comment URL:

    Twitthis URL for my Giveaway:

    Best Wishes for successful Partying and Blogging!

    Follow me on Twitter:

  18. It is so very nice to meet you. I'm trying to visit all the blogs involved in the party. With as many as there are now, that is 254 per day if I do it for 4 days. I hope the little one takes a long nap, lol! I am loving this!

  19. Whats not to love about the Blog Party, Great Food, Drinks,Recipes,Party Games, Giveaways, Coupons, Money Saving Tips, and super nice people.. This is fantastic.
    I have visited about 130 blogs so far.. Whoo lots of partying(I am too old for this) going on. I have had so much fun.
    Thanks for the invite to stop for a minute.
    I am Aunt Rene from
    If you have a minute please stop by my blog.
    Have Fun!!! I Am.

  20. great blog love the receipes, glad I stopped by promise I will be back, Happy UBP

  21. Nice to meet you! Now I am hungry! I would also like to invite you to link to Show off your blog Saturday! I would love to read your favorite post! Hope you are having fun at the party

  22. It's great to meet you! What a wonderful blog. Hope you have a wonderful bloggy party!

  23. Hey! I am hopping over the the UBP on my mission to visit every single person on the family blogs!!

  24. Nice to meet you!

    Talk about a party!

    I'm quite intrigued and am learning how to get around!

    Just stopping by from 5minutes for moms blog party!

  25. Wow! What a great menu!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you'll come again soon.

  26. I am new to the blog world and this is my first BLOG PARTY! Wow, what fun.

    I am so glad to find your blog. I will be back soon for a longer visit.

    Come by for a visit and sign up for my first prize.


  27. I'll go for the eggless eggnog since I will be bringing my daughter to the party and she's allergic to eggs! :-)

    You are invited to party with me, in Dubai!

  28. Just stopping by from the blog party. I liked your post about using leftovers!

    "Which Proverbs 14:1 Woman?"

  29. Thanks for the recipes! Nice to meet you - I'm coming from UBP. I enjoyed looking at your blog.

    Beverly from The High Calling

  30. Nice to meet you! Happy blog partying!

  31. Your blog made me hungry. LOL.

    I'm not too crazy about the yellow teeth ad after the post though. Hope you don't mind..just a friendly critique from a fellow blogger. ;D

    Happy UBP and nice meeting you! :D

  32. I'm visiting from the UBP. I love southern home cooking and recipes! I'll be back to visit!

  33. I am enjoying all these blogs. Yours is one of the best especially your graphics.

  34. Happy blog party! I enjoy very much these blogs especially yours!

  35. your blog is very helpful. I am really having fun looking at all these blogs

  36. I'm hungry now!! I'll definately be making some of those recipes :)

    I'm hoppin' around the UBP...come on by mine and say HEY!


  37. Hello! Just stopping by from the UBP. Great blog!

  38. Greetings, Stopping by thru UBP. Love your outlook on cooking. Hope you're able to stop by my little spot and visit sometime. Blessings, SusanD

  39. I'll take the chocolate chip cookies please. I really have to stop partying on an empty stomach, its lunch time over here. Nice to meet you and I'll come by again. Have a great party

  40. Just stopped by from the blog party.
