
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Easy Iced Tea--No Sugar Added

Yesterday I shared my easy version of my easy sweet tea. Today I want to tell you about my favorite way to make "unsweet" tea, again because it's so easy. It makes a mild, not too strong tea, and because it's made with COLD water, it never gets cloudy in the fridge.

When I was a newlywed, we spent the first year of our marriage in a little house with a hot little kitchen--on the southwest corner of the house with lots of windows, and no direct flow from the window air conditioner unit that ran 24/7 and never really kept the place cool. We drank a two quart pitcher of unsweet tea almost nightly between the two of us, so I perfected this technique!

In a half gallon pitcher, put two FAMILY sized tea bags. (I think this is the equivalent of 6 regular tea bags). Fill with cold water, and place in the fridge. Leave this either all day till supper time, or if you fix it in the evening, leave it overnight.

Now, if all you want is to make one pitcher of tea, take out the tea bags, pour over ice, and enjoy.

It's that simple.

But if you want a perpetual source of cold unsweet tea like I did back in my newlywed days, this is how I did it.

  • Day one, fix the tea and water and put in the fridge.
  • Day two, drink the tea, refill with water, using the same tea bags, and put in the fridge.
  • Day three, drink the tea, leave the original tea bags and add one new tea bag (again, one large or three small), fill with water, and put in the fridge.
  • Day four, drink the tea, then discard all of the old tea bags and start from scratch again.

I hope you enjoy your tea, whether it's sweet tea or "unsweet"!

Until next time...good cooking, and good eating!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good. I, too, love tea and drink a lot of it. Must be my Southern Belle coming out in me! :)

    I make my tea very quickly and easily by placing about a cup of water in a big glass measuring cup; add 1 family-size teabag. Put in microwave for 3 minutes.

    I then fill a one gallon pitcher almost up to the top with cold water from an old milk bottle full of cold water I keep in the fridge.

    Perfect unsweetened tea that you can drink instantly. To tell you the truth, I add a liquid saccharin sweetener to my tea and have done it for years.

    Let me know if you try it and like it!
