
Monday, December 8, 2008

My Favorite Peach Cobbler

I love peach cobbler. There are lots of different kinds of cobblers, from the traditional pie-crust type, to one with more of a crumb topping. This one has a batter that rises to make a thick, almost cake-like top. It's so easy to throw together, too, from everyday ingredients that you probably keep on hand already.

To make this, first take a stick of butter, put it in a about a 2 qt baking dish. Put in the oven at about 350 to melt while the oven is heating while you mix the batter.

Mix together:
  • 1 c self-rising flour
  • 1 c sugar
  • 1 cup milk

Once the butter is melted, pour the batter into the melted butter in the baking dish. Drain one can of sliced peaches, reserving some of the syrup. Spread the peaches over the top, and drizzle a little of the syrup can over the top (not much, or it'll be too juicy). Bake for about 20-30 minutes, until the crust starts to brown and the center seems to set.

And now for the secret. Once it's cooked, dot the top with butter, and sprinkle lightly with sugar, then put the cobbler back into the oven till the butter melts and top browns a little more. I don't know what this does, but the crysatilized sugar adds just the right touch of taste and crunch to the top of this.

Let this sit just a few minutes to firm up, but not too long--this melts in your mouth when you serve it hot. My favorite way to eat this is warm with a little bit of "canned cream" (evaporated milk, undiluted and straight from the can!) poured over the top. Of course fresh cream would be good, too. Or Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream.


To make this in a 9 x 13 pan or equivalent, you'll need to double this recipe.

I have a friend who used to make this with home canned peaches. Once by accident she made it with pears--she thought they were white peaches when she opened them. We liked it so well, she made it with pears from then on--the only other thing she changed was to sprinkle a little cinnamon on top with the sugar when she made it with pears.

You could probably make this with other fruit, but it's so good, I usually stick with the peaches.

What's your favorite cobbler?

Good cooking, and good eating!


1 comment:

  1. Nothing like a good Peach Cobbler to make the day better! I too was a stay at home mom, and wouldn't have traded it for the world. My daughters are now grown and being home with them was a blessing. Welcome to the blog world and looking forward to more!
