
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Feeling a Little Crabby Today, Two

I know I just gave you a crab salad/spread recipe, but now in the party season I want to give you another, totally different one. This one makes a pretty presentation, is super easy, and is, as always, delicious.

  • 1 8 oz pkg cream cheese, softened
  • 1 bottle of cocktail sauce
  • 1 can of crab meat, drained, or equivalent in frozen or fresh (cooked) crabmeat

Spread the softened cream cheese directly onto your serving plate, almost to the edge. Pour the bottle of cocktail sauce into the middle, and spread almost to the edge of the cream cheese. Take the drained crabmeat and break it apart, and sprinkle on top of the layer of cocktail sauce.

Serve with butter type crackers, like Ritz or Town House.

Note: this is NOT one that should be made very long ahead of time, as it can tend to start getting a little watery if it stands a long time.


You could use little cocktail shrimp,or chopped up larger shrimp, in place of the crabmeat.

This recipe, like most of the ones I use, is deceptively simple. Everything can be kept on hand in your grocery stockpile, put together at the spur of the moment, if necessary.

Good (un-)cooking, and good eating!

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